Paper on Atmospheric Emission Sources in the Po-Basin by ARPA Lombardia published

OJAP Open Journal of Air Pollution has recently published the submission of PrepAIR’s partner ARPA Lombardia: a paper titled “Atmospheric Emission Sources in the Po-Basin from the LIFE-IP PREPAIR Project” by Alessandro Marongiu, Elisabetta Angelino, Marco Moretti, Giulia Malvestiti and Giuseppe Fossati.

The paper presents the focus on emission estimates in the Italian Regions of the Po-basin obtained by the development of a common air pollutant emission dataset on the Po-basin and Slovenia foreseen in LIFE PrepAIR project . The objective is to update emission inventories developed by the environmental protection agencies and regions of Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Piedmont, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Valle d’Aosta, the province of Bolzano (participating as stakeholder) and the province of Trento. A data flux is defined considering the activities on emission estimates by the different administrations according to the current Italian legislation. This activity has allowed the completion of two different datasets on the area for 2013 and 2017.

The full article is availabe here.