On March 14 and 15 the second project meeting of PREPAIR will be held in Trento, Italy.

At the meeting, for project partners only, the state of the art of the single actions and the first project deliverables will be presented. The meeting will also be the occasion for presenting and approving within the Steering Committee the Regulation of communication and for the publicizing of project outputs.

Wednesday, February 21 from 10:30 AM until 5:30 PM the event “Air as a common good. Policy, Actions and Technologies for reducing Emissions from Residential Wood Burning” will be held at the international fair Progetto Fuoco in Verona, Italy. The event, organized by AIEL (the Italian Association for agroforestry energies), will see the participation of  Lombardy Region,  representative of the four Italian regions signatories of the New Po Valley Agreement and partner of PREPAIR.

The event will be divided in two session: a morning session dedicated to companies and institutions and public policies and innovation, and an afternoon rather technical session dedicated to the guidelines for the emissions reduction of small scale biomass combustion. During the morning session the General Director of Lombardy Region, Gian Luca Gurrieri, will focus on the application of the New Po Valley Agreement  for the biomass sector, one of the core sectors also for PREPAIR actions.

Progetto Fuoco is an international exhibition of systms and equipments for the production of wood-fired heatings.

See the program of the event (simultaneous translation Italian-English available)


The 21st  European Forum on Eco-innovation is now happening in Sofia, Bulgaria, with the name  “Eco-innovation for air quality”: the Forum (5 and 6 of February, 2018) will examine eco-innovative solutions for improving air quality. The European Commission is committed to addressing air quality and reducing air pollution to levels that do not pose risks to human health and the environment. However, tackling air pollution is a complex and systemic challenge that requires concerted action across societal actors and economic sectors. Efforts undertaken by governments, cities and businesses to implement the Ambient Air Quality Directives can still be greatly boosted by the use of new innovative solutions like advanced technologies for household heating, implementation of strategic urban mobility plans, or pioneering ways to reduce pollution from farming practices.

The two-days Forum foresees a session dedicated to energy and air quality (Energy and air quality converSations), and within its case studies our project lead partner, the Emilia Romagna Region, has been asked to present PREPAIR.

In an exhibition corner communication and information material will also be available. Staff from ERVET, responsible of the project’s communication, will be there for further information or deeper descriptions of the project.

The Forum brings together companies and public authorities that have already succeeded in developing and deploying effective new technologies, or innovative business and governance models, with those who are looking for such solutions and practices. In particular, air pollution originating from energy use, transport and agriculture will be addressed. The issue of how to secure financing for eco-innovative solutions will also be prominently discussed.

This event is jointly organized by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Environment and the Ministry of Environment and Water of the Republic of Bulgaria.

For more information on the event click here.

See the program of the Forum