Urban air quality: two days of works in Bologna within the project iSCAPE


On May 10 and 11 in Bologna two days of works dedicated to urban air quality are organized by ARPAE and by the University of Bologna. Topics that will be discussed are passive control systems of urban pollution, low-cost sensors for air quality, people participation to the monitoring and management of the quality of air.

The event of May 10 will last the whole day and will be entirely held in English, whereas the event of May 11 will last only half a day, will be held in Italian and will focus on the situation of Bologna.

PREPAIR will also be present at the event of May 10, at the poster sessions.

Both days are organized within the Horizon 2020 project iSCAPE, which works on integrating and advancing the control of air quality and carbon emissions in European cities in the context of climate change through the development of sustainable and passive air pollution remediation strategies, policy interventions and behavioural change initiatives.

For more information and for subscribing to the events, please visit the following websites:

Urban air quality: designing and implementing effective control strategies (May 10)

Qualità dell’aria: pianificazione e coinvolgimento dei cittadini (May 11)